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Mr Fothergills Vegetable Seeds


Grow your own fresh vegetables.


Vegetable Seeds A-L

Vegetable Seeds M-Z


Bean Broad - Early Long Pod (50g)

Mr Fothergill's Early Longpod broad beans are an excellent green-seeded variety, producing very long pods and giving high yields of well flavoured beans. 

Broad beans grow well in most soils and like all legumes are a fantastic soil improver.


Beetroot - Crimson Globe (350 seeds)

A very easily grown vegetable, and extremely versatile.

Eat it fresh or pickled in salads, or use hot served with a white sauce.

This deep crimson variety is extremely popular for its fine flavour. 

Beetroot grows well on most well-cultivated soils. Ideal for deep freezing


Bok Choi (500 Seeds)

Popular for Asian dishes.

Quick and easy growing annual, prefers cool weather, and tolerates light frost.

Pak Choi and Bok Choi are basically the same plant, but Bok Choi has a white stem, and Pak Choi has a green stem. 

Bok choi is a bigger growing plant resulting in higher yield.

This specific variety is also commonly known as Tatsoi.


Broccoli Marathon F1 (50 Seeds)

Superb early variety that produces high quality, attractive smooth dome heads with tight green beads.

Heads can weigh between 350-400gm and has good resistance to white rust.


Brussel Sprouts - Evesham Special (500 Seeds)

Popular, well-established variety producing high yields of large tasty sprouts.

Medium height, well suited to the home garden.


Cabbage - Golden Acre (250 Seeds)

Slow bolting heirloom variety, medium-sized round solid heads with few outer leaves.

Compact plants that are ideal for confined areas.

First rate quality and flavour.


Cabbage - Red Ruby Ball F1 (50 Seeds)

An excellent pickling variety, it will also add colour and interest to salads and coleslaw.

Solid heads with few outer leaves, Ruby Ball has everything to recommend it.

Cabbages like a well cultivated soil.


Cabbage - Sugarloaf (500 Seeds)

Sugarloaf is a strongly recommended variety.

It has an excellent flavour whether cooked or served cold in salads.

The compact, conical heads mature over several weeks.


Carrot - All Year Round (2000 Seeds)

A splendid maincrop carrot, producing long, pointed roots.

Its fine colouring and excellent flavour make this one of the most appetising of carrots.

Ideal for keeping.

Grows well in an open position on light, rich soil that has not been recently manured.


Cauliflower - All Year Round (200 Seeds)

An extremely useful cauliflower variety that produces large pure white heads with a first class flavour.

Cauliflower has a particular merit that it remains in tip-top condition over long periods, perfect for storing to use in meals all year round.


Celery - Golden Self Blanching (1000 Seeds)

Produces crisp, juicy and deeply ribbed stems with no hint of bitterness.

Stringless with good disease resistance and thick crunchy hearts.

Very easy to grow and requires little attention.


Kale - Dwarf Green Curled (400 Seeds)

Delicious winter vegetable. 

Produces leaves, does not form a head.

Excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin A.
Contains powerful antioxidant properties.


Leeks - Lyon Prizetaker (500 Seeds)

A popular early strain with long, thick white stems of fine flavour.

Will grow well in any garden soil and adaptable to a range of climates.


Lettuce - All Year Round (1000 Seeds)

An excellent lettuce and, as the name suggests, suitable for planting almost any time.

It produces tight solid hearts and is very hardy.


There are loads more seed varieties - Contact us now if you have a particular variety in mind.


This page is for Autumn Vegetable Seeds for Winter Produce A-L ... click here for M-Z.

Vegetable Seeds (A-L)

PriceFrom $2.99
Seed Potatoes

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